In this blog, I am going to discuss 5 ways to differentiate instruction during a reading and character analysis lesson for the following groups of students. They read “Charlotte’s Web” aloud and analyze the characters as they go along.
1. English Language Learners
1. Students placed in pairs or groups of 3, with at least 1 ELL student per group. They read it together, and help the ELL student with the words.
2. Pair two ELL students together to try and work through a section of the reading together.
3. Pair two ELL students together to analyze the characters, whether they analyze in their first language or in English to the best of their abilities.
4. I will have words written on the board to help with the character analysis.
5. We will do one analysis as a class to help get everyone started.
2. Special Needs Students
1. One Special needs student will be partnered directly with a general education student to help them out.
2. I will observe this group(s) more closely and help them as needed.
3. I will provide a worksheet specifically for these students, to help them with the focus.
4. I will work one on one with the special needs students to help with the reading and the analyzing.
5. I can provide an alternative one on one quiz verbally to see what they’ve grasped.
3. Advanced or Gifted Learners
1. These students will help me demonstrate what I want from this activity.
2. They can, in a way, act as leaders in their groups to get the discussion on the characters going.
3. I can, at the end of the lesson, give them an advanced quiz on the text if necessary.
4. They can, when completed with their analysis for the day, go around and see if any other groups, specifically those with ELL or Special need students need any help.
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